Cross-functional Information System for Decision Making (CISDeM)
Professor David YAU, Dec 2014, 3 Years 6 months
This is a synergistic research program – spanning areas including natural language processing, machine learning, networking, and signal processing – to achieve holistic decision support for agile and proactive network security informed by multi-modal and multi-layer empirical data.
CISDeM is a cyber-information research program for decision making against network security threats. It adopts an inter-disciplinary research view – spanning security, natural language processing, machine learning, signal processing, and networking – to protect mission-critical network infrastructures. It stresses an experimental approach supported by a laboratory for sensing, computing, networking, visualization, and command-and-control. The synergistic research tracks will integrate to achieve holistic decision support for agile and proactive security informed by multi-modal and multi-layer empirical data.